
CRPANews Alert: Attention San Diego County

October 3, 2018

On June 26, 2018, Supervisor Dianne Jacob quietly agendized (Item 17); a proposal to ban recreational shooting on BLM land around Donohoe Mountain. Supervisor Jacob’s staff report stated that the area known as Donohoe Flats needed to be permanently closed due to a high risk of fire from recreational shooters in the area. However, the only two speakers who showed up to comment on the agenda, both known residual NIMBYS that live close to the area and adjacent to the South Bay Rod & Gun Club, provided testimony that recreational shooting in the area is a safety issue and that both had encountered stray bullets impacting their homes. (No evidence of these occurrences was actually presented to the Board and has yet to be made public) Accordingly, the Board of Supervisors voted unanimously and without any discussion to have staff draft an ordinance permanently banning recreational shooting in the area.

The NRA and CRPA has reached out to the County of San Diego and the BLM to advise them of the legal pitfalls in implementing this type of ordinance.

Nonetheless, the San Diego County Board of Supervisors has indicated that it will add the proposed ordinance to the agenda for the meeting to take place at 9 am on October 9, 2018. 

Address for the meeting: Board of Supervisors North Chamber, 1600 Pacific Highway, San Diego, CA

If you can attend, it is important that you be at the meeting and voice your support for maintaining accessibility to BLM lands.

We need your help!

Anti-gun groups, NIMBYS, agency bureaucrats and politicians are consistently chipping away at places to exercise your Second Amendment rights. This is a concerted effort that we are seeing across the state of California and the nation. To that end, it is critical that all gun owners and Second Amendment supporters make their voices heard either during the Board of Supervisors meeting or by taking the time to write to the Board members to oppose this proposed ordinance!

What to Say: I oppose the proposed ordinance to permanently stop recreational shooting near Donohoe Mountain and Pink Gate areas. There are already ordinances that protect these areas during high fire danger times and permanently closing these areas to recreational shooting is an attack on lawful activity on federal lands. As a concerned citizen I stand in opposition to the proposed ordinance and ask that the Board of Supervisors vote no on this action.

If you are unable to attend, you can submit written comments using the following information:

Dianne Jacob, Supervisor (Sponsor & Proponent of the Ordinance)- dianne.jacob@sdcounty.ca.gov

Greg Cox, Supervisor – greg.cox@sdcounty.ca.gov

Ron Roberts, Supervisor – http://www.ronroberts.com/content/d4/en/contact.html

Bill Horn, Supervisor – bill.horn@sdcounty.ca.gov

Kristin Gaspar, Supervisor – kristin.gaspar@sdcounty.ca.gov

You may also visit the Board of Supervisors page at https://www.sandiegocounty.gov/content/sdc/general/bos.html for additional contact information for each Supervisor.


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