
CRPA Strikes Back

April 20, 2018

CRPA and the California Hunter’s Conservation Coalition have stopped a major anti-gun offensive. As many of you know, Assemblyman Holden’s (D) AB 3199 was introduced earlier this session as an attack against pro-Second Amendment and pro-hunting organizations.

AB 3199 originally aimed to outlaw firearms raffles, which was a direct attack on pro-Second Amendment groups, like CRPA and NRA; as well as on and conservation groups like California Waterfowl, Ducks Unlimited, and National Wild Turkey Federation, who use firearm raffles to fundraise in opposition to unconstitutional anti-gun and anti-hunting measures.

Having been directly targeted, we knew we had to fight back. Working with the California Hunter’s Conservation Coalition, we were able to stop this bill before it ever reached the Assembly floor.

This is a victory for the pro-gun and pro-hunting community. By ensuring our right to raffle firearms, we have secured the ability to fund the fight for hunting and the Second Amendment.

Like anything in the capitol, it isn’t over till it’s over. We will continue to closely monitor this bill and make sure that it, or another gut and amend, does not rear its ugly head. Thank you for your support.

CRPA and the California Hunter’s Conservation Coalition have stopped a major anti-gun offensive. As many of you know, Assemblyman Holden’s (D) AB 3199 was introduced earlier this session as an attack against pro-Second Amendment and pro-hunting organizations.

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