
CRPA Strikes Back

November 29, 2016

Help Bring Shall-Issue CCW To California

After our win in the Presidential election earlier this month, CRPA and the NRA are ready to launch a full-scale legal battle against not only Proposition 63 but also the seven “Gunmageddon” gun bills signed in July. In addition, the Peruta case, the case that could bring “shall-issue” CCW to California, is now Supreme Court bound!  We will be filing our petition for review by the Supreme Court in the coming weeks.

Although the Supreme Court does not have to take any case, thanks to the NRA, the Supreme Court will be comprised of Justices who respect the Second Amendment.

This is a game changer folks. In our favor!

Hoping for the best, the CRPA and NRA legal team began preparing a legal plan of action for California even before the election results came in. The plan includes litigation, regulatory challenges, and other legal and political action.

But we need your help to make it happen. Even with the generous discounts, our legal team offers CRPA, the cost of successful lawsuits is high. So we need your help! Your tax-deductible donation to The CRPA Foundation will help us win this battle!

It takes great resources to fight for our rights in the courts. So please make a generous tax-deductible donation to the CRPA Foundation to help finance the Peruta case and other lawsuits we are planning! NRA and CRPA are working together to do great things for California gun owners and those who believe in the right to choose to own a gun for sport or to defend your family.

Hoping for the best, the CRPA and NRA legal team began preparing a legal plan of action for California even before the election results came in. The plan includes litigation, regulatory challenges, and other legal and political action.

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