CRPA PAC-Endorsed Candidates Win Big In 2018 Primary
After Significant Wins by California Rifle & Pistol Association PAC-Endorsed Candidates in 2018 California Primary, Support for the Second Amendment Grows
California Rifle & Pistol Association PAC endorsed hundreds of Second Amendment-supporting candidates across California – ranging from sheriffs to judges and in between – and celebrates their successes
On Tuesday night, the California Rifle & Pistol Association PAC continued its reputation as a fearless heavy-hitter on Second Amendment issues when a huge majority of the 143-year-old organization’s PAC-supported candidates won outright or made it through their primary races.
“Despite the media narrative that the Second Amendment is gone in California, the reverse became true on Primary Day this year,” said Rick Travis, executive director of CRPA. “The Second Amendment may constantly be getting attacked by Sacramento politicians, but a tide is turning amongst California voters.”
CRPA scored candidates on their desire to uphold Second Amendment principles – particularly with sheriffs, who often are the ultimate deciding factor in major decisions on Second Amendment freedoms, including who can and cannot receive a concealed-carry permit.
“Sheriffs races are often hidden behind larger races – and yet when it comes to the Second Amendment, are some of the most critical races that impact those who wish to carry a weapon for their own protection,” Travis concluded.
CRPA PAC will continue its efforts to help elect strong supporters of the Second Amendment into office as the general election approaches in November. Between its advocacy work, media efforts, and other methods of influence, CRPA PAC aims to spend tens of thousands of dollars this cycle to support the organization’s candidates and oppose those who aim to destroy the Second Amendment.
“Primary day was only halfway to the goal – and now we have to seriously ramp up our efforts to make sure that we have allies elected to office across the state who will protect our Second Amendment rights,” Travis said.
“To those candidates who seek to destroy the Second Amendment, we say this: we’re ready to fight back,” Travis concluded.

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