
CRPA Needs Your Vote

July 13, 2015

Your CRPA is participating in a contest to win part of a $100,000 settlement.  The Brady Center sued Lucky Gunner and lost.

Lucky Gunner is willing to share the settlement money with each organization receiving votes on a percentage basis. You can imagine how much a substantial donation like this could mean in our fight to save the Second Amendment in California. We urge all members to forward this message on through email, friends, and social media and ask them to forward this message on further.

Voting Is Simple!

Click the following link: http://www.luckygunner.com/brady-v-lucky-gunner 
Then, scroll down and check the “bubble” next to California State Rifle Association and click the “submit” button to cast your vote for CRPA.

Your CRPA is participating in a contest to win part of a $100,000 settlement.  The Brady Center sued Lucky Gunner and lost.

Lucky Gunner is willing to share the settlement money with each organization receiving votes on a percentage basis. You can imagine how much a substantial donation like this could mean in our fight to save the Second Amendment in California. We urge all members to forward this message on through email, friends, and social media and ask them to forward this message on further.

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