
Carry On! Apply For Your Orange County Permit To Carry Today

September 22, 2017

If you live in Orange County (OC), then you live in one of the California counties where it is relatively simple to get a permit to carry outside your home. In these days of increased crime and the threat of terrorism, CRPA is proud to join with the NRA in making the information available to OC residents so you can get your permit to help protect yourself and your family in public.

To apply for your permit, first, visit Orange County Sheriff’s Department (OCSD) CCW webpage at http://www.ocsd.org/about/info/services/ccw. There you will find instructions on how to complete and submit the initial application to OCSD’s CCW Unit, as well as a list of approved instructors.

For more information about the Orange County CCW application process, including what comes next after you submit your initial application, visit the NRA’s information page at http://www.nraila.org/OC.

If you need help in completing the application, including what information to include for your “good cause” statement, you can email an instructor on the OCSD approved instructor list. A direct link to that list is http://www.ocsd.org/civicax/filebank/blobdload.aspx?BlobID=66833. If you can’t get the right help from an approved instructor, contact CRPA at contact@crpa.org.

After you complete the initial application, call or email the OCSD CCW permit unit at (714) 834-7229 or ccwpermits@ocsd.org to request an initial interview appointment. You can also use the OCSD online appointment request webpage at https://ocsd.typeform.com/to/gfKygD.

The more folks who have CCW’s in Orange County and are trained in safe and responsible public carry, the safer we will all be from violent criminals and terrorists. Many anti-gun-owner California politicians see things differently, so please help the CRPA and NRA fight back against the political efforts to make it impossible to get a license to carry, or to own a gun at all. You can assist in those efforts by volunteering with the CRPA at volunteer@crpa.org, and/or with the NRA Orange County Member’s Council at http://nramemberscouncils.com/.

If you live in Orange County (OC), then you live in one of the California counties where it is relatively simple to get a permit to carry outside your home. In these days of increased crime and the threat of terrorism, CRPA is proud to join with the NRA in making the information available to OC residents so you can get your permit to help protect yourself and your family in public.

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