
Call To Action – Save Fish & Game Commissioner Richards

February 29, 2012

Anti-hunting groups, led by the Humane Society of the United States, have instigated a campaign to remove Fish and Game Commission President, Dan Richards from his seat on the Commission.  Why?  Because he went on a LEGAL mountain lion hunt at the Flying B Ranch in Idaho and successfully harvested a lion!  The controversy broke out when a photograph of Richards holding the dead cat was recently published in Western Outdoor News.  Anti-hunting groups are questioning Richards’ judgment in hunting a lion out-of-state even though it is completely legal to do so in Idaho!

The battle has intensified, and now a letter has been sent from the State Assembly, signed by 40 Democrat members, demanding that Richards resign.  The legislature does have the ability to remove a sitting commissioner through the Resolution process with a simple majority vote by both the Assembly and Senate.  A Joint Resolution could be proposed at any time.

Commissioner Richards is a dedicated advocate for hunters and anglers in California and he needs your help now!  This attack against Commissioner Richards is a punitive strike against all sportsmen in California!  Please join CRPA in supporting Commissioner Richards by acting now!

Here Is How You Can Help
– Attend the March 7, 2012, Fish and Game Commission meeting, in Riverside, and voice your support for Commissioner Richards during the public forum.  It is anticipated that anti-hunting groups will be present asking for his resignation. (See the Commission’s March 7 agenda at www.fgc.ca.gov).
– Call (916-653-4899) and email the Fish and Game Commission (fgc@fgc.ca.gov) and voice your support for Commissioner Richards to stay on the Commission.  CRPA has been in contact with the Fish and Game Commission and they indicated that phone calls are not being recorded.  To get your voice heard, it is recommended to email your support fgc@fgc.ca.gov.
– Call, write, and email your Assembly and Senate members and voice your support for Commissioner Richards http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/yourleg.html to find your legislator.
– Call, write, or email the Governor http://gov.ca.gov/m_contact.php and voice your support for Commissioner Richards.

Anti-hunting groups, led by the Humane Society of the United States, have instigated a campaign to remove Fish and Game Commission President, Dan Richards from his seat on the Commission.  Why?  Because he went on a LEGAL mountain lion hunt at the Flying B Ranch in Idaho and successfully harvested a lion!  The controversy broke out when a photograph of Richards holding the dead cat was recently published in Western Outdoor News.  Anti-hunting groups are questioning Richards’ judgment in hunting a lion out-of-state even though it is completely legal to do so in Idaho!

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