
California’s Dramatic Overreach

June 22, 2018

The legislature is at it again. It seems our lawmakers can’t come to terms with the fact that governing California does not entitle them to govern the whole world. Right now, the legislature is attempting to make African hunting illegal. By banning Californian’s from importing and possessing animals legally harvested in African Nations, SB 1487 (Stern, D) will severely curtail the rights of California hunter/conservationists.

Despite the fact hunting and processing African animals is completely legal under Federal law, California lawmakers continue to push ahead with this asinine ban in sycophantic defiance of the time-tested federal law.

Despite the lofty claims of the bill, SB 1487 will have no effect on African endangered species. It completely ignores the issues of habitat loss and poaching, while targeting the very conservationists whose money and hunting preserve this wildlife resource. Regulated hunting is scientifically proven to support local communities, conservation efforts, and the fight against poachers; banning that will only make the problem worse.

As if that wasn’t bad enough, this will place yet another unfunded mandate on California Game Wardens. SB 1487 will drain time and resources away from their ability to protect our native wildlife.

We need your help to stop this bad piece of legislation. Contact the members of the Assembly Water, Parks, and Wildlife Committee and urge them to vote no on SB 1487.

Click here for contact information.

The legislature is at it again. It seems our lawmakers can’t come to terms with the fact that governing California does not entitle them to govern the whole world. Right now, the legislature is attempting to make African hunting illegal. By banning Californian’s from importing and possessing animals legally harvested in African Nations, SB 1487 (Stern, D) will severely curtail the rights of California hunter/conservationists.

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