
CA Legislature Attempts To Export Gun Control

May 10, 2018

Using underhanded gut and amend tactics, the legislature is attempting to strong arm firearms retailers into banning the sale of modern sporting rifles.

SB 459, which originally addressed FFL inspections, now aims to divest California’s pension funds from any retailer/wholesaler of “banned guns” nationwide. Meaning that if a company or retailer sells firearms that are banned in California, such as the AR-15 and other semi-automatic rifles used by law abiding gun owners every day, the state’s public pension fund will pull its investment.

Using the pension fund as a weapon, our legislature is trying to force its obscene and unconstitutional gun policies onto the rest of the nation. By threatening to pull millions of dollars in investment, the state is trying to bully firearm retailers into banning the sale of modern sporting rifles.

This is nothing less than a despicable attempt to export California style gun control to the rest of the nation; it must be stopped. As California gun owners, we are on the front lines of this fight. The gun hating minority in California cannot be allowed to dictate the firearm policies of the entire nation.

Contact the members of the Assembly Committee on Public Safety and tell them to vote NO on SB 459. Divesting from firearms is a bully tactic and a poor financial decision. Thank you for your support.

Reggie Jones-Sawyer: (916) 319-2059
Tom Lackey: (916) 319-2036
Wendy Carillo: (916) 319-2051
Sydney Kamlager-Dove: (916) 319-2054
Kevin Kiley: (916) 319-2006
Bill Quirk:  (916) 319-2020
Miguel Santiago: (916) 319-2053

Using underhanded gut and amend tactics, the legislature is attempting to strong arm firearms retailers into banning the sale of modern sporting rifles.

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