Anti-gun Legislation Passes Appropriations Committee
The relentless attack on our Second Amendment and Hunting rights continued in today’s Assembly Appropriations committee meeting. Two bills seek to deeply undermine the rights of California gun owners, while another aims to impose California law on African hunting.
SB 1100 (Portantino, D), which aims to raise the age to purchase a long gun to 21 unfortunately passed the appropriations committee on a party line vote. While this bill does contain exemptions for active law enforcement, active military, and active hunting license holders, it is a dangerous attack on one of our foundational right as Americans. By raising the age to purchase a long gun to 21, SB 1100 is setting an arbitrary age barrier on the right to self-defense. Young mothers, students, and veterans will all be left defenseless in their homes by this bill. No other Constitutional right has an age limit placed on it, our Second Amendment shouldn’t either.
SB 1177 (Portantino, D), is a repeat of a similar bill from last session. Despite having been vetoed by Governor Brown twice before, Senator Portantino insists on resurrecting the one long gun a month bill. Restricting long gun sales to one a month will not do anything to reduce violent crime or access to firearms by criminals. Our lawmakers can’t seem to understand that criminals do not buy their firearms legally at their local FFL; this bill will only hurt law abiding gun owners. Hopefully, Governor Brown will veto this bad bill one last time.
SB 1487 (Stern, D), is perhaps the greatest example of our legislature’s hubris. In an act that painfully showcases their exaggerated sense of self-importance, the legislature is attempting to make African hunting illegal. By banning Californian’s from importing and possessing animals legally harvested in African Nations, SB 1487 will severely curtail the rights of California hunter/conservationists. Our lawmakers can’t come to terms with the fact that governing California does not entitle them to govern the whole world. Despite strong opposition from the department of finance, the appropriations committee passed this bill to serve their own petty political goals.
Each of these bills is an attack on our right hunt and to keep and bear arms. These bills are now headed to the Assembly floor for a vote by the whole house. All of these bills have passed the Senate, meaning that this is the final step before reaching the governor’s desk. We must stop this NOW. Contact your Assembly Member and urge them to vote NO on all of these bad bills. Together, there is still a chance to stop this.
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The relentless attack on our Second Amendment and Hunting rights continued in today’s Assembly Appropriations committee meeting. Two bills seek to deeply undermine the rights of California gun owners, while another aims to impose California law on African hunting.
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