
Anti-Freedom Law Firms Form Coalition To Attack Second Amendment

December 12, 2016

Over the past few months, we have been telling you about CRPA and NRA’s plan to fight back against the ill-conceived, unconstitutional laws created this year by the California legislature and Proposition 63. We knew executing this plan would be extremely tough and costly, which is why we made a plea for donations. We appreciate the response we got, and our legal team is actively preparing lawsuits. There is a new threat making your support even more critical.

Several of the country’s most elite law firms just announced that they have formed the Firearms Accountability Counsel Taskforce (FACT), the purpose of which is to “pursu[e] legal strategies to address America’s dire gun violence crisis and hold the gun industry responsible for unfair business practices that endanger public safety.” In other words, a large team of well-heeled lawyers intends to focus their legal firepower on harassing lawful firearm businesses and defending governments from pro-Second Amendment lawsuits.

These law firms will make it difficult for these businesses to provide firearms to the public while making it easier for anti-gun politicians to pass unconstitutional laws restricting firearms.

Unfortunately, this practice is all too common. The anti-gun lobby often solicits lawyers through “pro bono” programs at large law firms throughout the United States to develop over-reaching gun control and to defend those approaches when challenged in court. In return, these law firms are often are favored to receive lucrative municipal work. These back-room deals result in less freedom for law-abiding gun owners in California and throughout the country.

Start by spreading the word to fellow law-abiding gun owners about these law firms’ efforts to infringe on your Second Amendment rights. The law firms who are a part this anti-Second Amendment Coalition are:

  • Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison
  • Covington & Burling
  • Arnold & Porter
  • O’Melveny & Myers
  • Dentons
  • Munger, Tolles & Olson
  • Hogan Lovells

Choose your legal services provider carefully! Patronizing these law firms or the companies that use them, effectively subsidizes their efforts to strip you of your ability to choose to own a gun to protect yourself and your family. To read more about these law firms, click here.

Over the past few months, we have been telling you about CRPA and NRA’s plan to fight back against the ill-conceived, unconstitutional laws created this year by the California legislature and Proposition 63. We knew executing this plan would be extremely tough and costly, which is why we made a plea for donations. We appreciate the response we got, and our legal team is actively preparing lawsuits. There is a new threat making your support even more critical.

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