AB 3 Will Leave Young Adults Disarmed & Defenseless

The Legislature wants to strip away the rights of young adults across California! AB 3 is attempting to raise the age to purchase a firearm to 21, which will deny a whole sector of society their Constitutional rights.
By raising the age to purchase a firearm, law makers will deprive law-abiding young adults of their ability to defend themselves. The young men and women serving in our armed forces, young parents, students, and single mothers would be left defenseless in their home!
Lawmakers are trying to create a government solution for a government problem. Instead of addressing the flawed background check system or law enforcement slip-ups, our legislators have decided to rob young Californian’s of their Constitutional rights.
This reactionary move will fail to stop gun violence! Our elected representatives are punishing law-abiding citizens for the acts of a few depraved criminals. If they really wanted to make change, they would pass bills targeting the criminals who use guns to perpetuate violence instead, of releasing them back onto the streets.
No other Constitutional right has an age limit placed on it.
Imagine if the right to free speech was revoked for this same age group. There would be protests in the streets, major news coverage, and a call to action against tyrannical government oppression – yet we see none of that here. Our legislature is unrepentant in its desire to destroy the Second Amendment.
Do not let an arbitrary age barrier deny young Californian’s their right to keep and bear arms. Contact the members of the Senate Public Safety Committee today and urge them to vote NO on AB 3!
Senator Nancy Skinner (Chair) : 916-651-4009
Senator Joel Anderson (Vice Chair) : 916-651-4038
Senator Steven Bradford : 916-651-4035
Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson : 916-651-4019
Senator Holly J. Mitchell ” 916-651-4030
Senator Jeff Stone : 916-651-4028
The Legislature wants to strip away the rights of young adults across California! AB 3 is attempting to raise the age to purchase a firearm to 21, which will deny a whole sector of society their Constitutional rights.
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