Update on AB 2571 Youth Bill-FAQ’s

As many of you have heard from the CRPA, GOC, and SAF alerts going out over the past couple of weeks, Newsom signed AB 2571 into law under an urgency measure that makes the law effective immediately. CRPA has notified groups of the impacts and risks of conducting youth shooting and youth hunting activities under this new law. Numerous groups, coaches, youth shooting teams, competitors, and youth shooting publications have reached out to CRPA with questions on how this unconscionable and extremely broad law affects them.
These groups immediately filed a lawsuit and an injunction that will be heard in just a few weeks. We cannot allow this attack on the next generation of hunters and shooters to stand.
To help groups and individuals with questions they may have, we have also compiled a Frequently Asked Questions document that will serve to help you navigate this confusing law.
For more information on this an other litigation affecting your rights in California visit our Youth Tube Channel and make sure that you are signed up to receive emails as a member of CRPA.
To donate to this particular lawsuit and help youth in California fight back DONATE HERE