“The Big Bianchi”: Coming Soon To The Supreme Court?

The fight over HOW the Bruen standard must be applied rages on across the country in cases like our very own Duncan v. Bonta and it is clear that the Supreme Court will need to step in to clarify things. When will the Court act? What case might it choose for such a purpose?
In the latest edition of CRPA’s Firing Line Magazine, Jake Fogleman of The Reload puts the focus on the Maryland case of Bianchi v. Brown, a case challenging the state’s ban on so-called “assault weapons”. The ban was recently upheld by a federal appeals court, a decision that will certainly be appealed, setting the case up for consideration by the highest court in the land.
Bianchi would provide the perfect forum for the Court to provide much needed guidance on future 2A cases. So much so, in fact, that Second Amendment defenders almost celebrated the Maryland decision as a necessary step to position the case for just such an opportunity.
Whatever the case the Court ends up taking, and whenever that happens, CRPA and our allies will be front and center with amicus briefs to add historical legal backing that firmly establishes the Second Amendment as a fundamental right, giving Bruen the teeth it needs to protect lawful gun owners here in California and across the country.