Paul Chabot On Crime Increase In California
Position 47 And AB 109 Are Causing An Increase In Crime In California
By Paul Chabot
Crime is up because of progressive politicians.
There is absolutely no doubt that violent crime and property crime is on the rise in the Inland Empire. Far left radicals are to blame for their dangerous policies and out-of-touch views on society.
This month, the Washington Post wrote on expose on California’s crime problem, citing, “Robberies up 23 percent in San Francisco. Property theft up 11 percent in Los Angeles. Certain categories of crime rising 20 percent in Lake Tahoe, 36 percent in La Mirada, 22 percent in Chico and 68 percent in Desert Hot Springs.”
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. This year alone 15 percent more officers have been killed than at this point last year.
When you and I feel less safe in our homes, we should rightfully blame our elected leaders.
Yet, when crime rises, these same leftists raise the alarm about gun control. Yet, if California progressives really want gun control, then they just shot themselves in the foot. Think of this fact. California progressives fought for a California law which makes it easier for criminals who steal guns to avoid prison. Guns don’t kill people, bad people kill people, and by making it easier for bad people to get away with stealing guns, the more likely they will steal guns, sell them on the black market to thugs not permitted by law to buy a gun, or to use it themselves against the public.
This is not rocket science.
How did this happen? Never mind the fact that we as a society have become numb to the violent street gangs plaguing all of our communities, we can talk about a lesser known fact — that California raised the dollar amount one must steal in valued property to be classified as a felony. Doesn’t really sound like a big deal to many, until you peel back the layers and examine the social context and mind of the criminal.
For nearly a generation, it was a felony in California to steal property valued above $500 — but now it’s $950. And because most guns are valued under $950, most of these crimes are nothing more than a lowly misdemeanor, with nothing more than a citation often issued. So much for accountability — deterrence is void. Criminals run amok.
Criminal justice refresher: A felony conviction can land a criminal in California prison for one year or more. A misdemeanor is less than 1 year in the county jail. But, because our county jails are overflowing due to failed Proposition 47 and Assembly Bill 109, these crooks often spend just a few days behind bars and are free to roam your city again.
Hence, the rise in crime.
No real accountability in California for most criminals. They will continue to roll the dice knowing the odds are greatly against them doing any serious jail time. Crooks are not stupid. They know how to game the system. Crooks know how much property to steal to keep the threshold under $950 — barely making it viable for an officer to arrest a subject knowing early release is certain.
Progressives have made our cities less safe and society is paying the price. Police and fire unions should stop funding these candidates. When radical leftist organizations and politicians promote these laws and other extremist views like sanctuary cities, drug legalization and Occupy movements, these same unions should stand up for their officers on the front lines and deny their organization’s support to progressives. Otherwise, they are directly contributing to the problems we see today by funding politicians who make public safety jobs, and the streets more dangerous. Hence, not only are the lives of public safety union members in jeopardy but so are the lives of us taxpayers who foot the bill.
Let’s get back to common sense public safety. Repeal AB 109 and Proposition 47 — and this time, let’s hear loud and clear from every public safety organization and union and end the hand-outs to leftist-politicians who own this rise in crime and violence in our communities.
(Paul Chabot is a Republican candidate for U.S. Congress. He can be reached at
Click here for the original article on Fontana Herald News.
Position 47 And AB 109 Are Causing An Increase In Crime In California
By Paul Chabot
Crime is up because of progressive politicians.
There is absolutely no doubt that violent crime and property crime is on the rise in the Inland Empire. Far left radicals are to blame for their dangerous policies and out-of-touch views on society.
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