New from CRPA TV: AB 28 Tax & Court Delays
Things move at different speeds in California. Tax increases passed by the Legislature? Warp speed. Court cases that the state is likely to lose? Not so much.
CRPA President & General Counsel Chuck Michel joined CRPA TV host Kevin Small today to discuss the many key 2A cases moving at a sluggish pace in the Ninth Circuit. More important, Chuck provides a recap of how the standard applied in these cases has changed from Heller to Bruen, and how anti-2A courts are still trying to navigate around them.
Chuck also gives viewers a look ahead at how the courts may view the challenge to the new 11% tax imposed by AB 28, and also explains why the decision in USA v. Duarte represents a win.
The fight over HOW the Bruen standard will be implemented is raging on in key cases all over the country and the implications are HUGE! We need your help to join with allies here in California and in other key states to make the case for Bruen!