
Los Altos Library To Host Anti-Second Amendment Presentation

August 25, 2016

Tonight, the Los Altos branch of the Santa Clara Library District will be showing an anti-Second Amendment film that was produced by the Peninsula Peace and Justice Center. This showing will also feature a spokesperson from the Brady Campaign, an organization that is notorious for attempting to limit the right to keep and bear arms. In this film, the Peninsula Peace and Justice Center attempts to portray law-abiding gun owners and those who advocate for them as criminals. As usual, this film ignores the individuals responsible for crime and offers solutions that will only punish law-abiding gun owners while doing nothing to make the public safer.

If you live near this location, please consider attending so that you can make your voice heard by those who seek to take away our freedoms for their own personal gain. If you are not able to attend but know individuals near this area, please make them aware so that they can attend in your stead.

Below, you will find the details of the event:

Los Altos Library
13 S San Antonio Rd, Los Altos, CA 94022

Thursday, August 25, 2016
7:00pm – 9:00pm

By attending this event, you will show those who seek to strip law-abiding gun owners of their right to own a gun for sport or protection, that we will not let them win and continue to spread false information. If you would like to view the description of this event that the Los Altos Library has made available online, please click here.

If you would like to get involved in other CRPA endeavors, please visit CRPA.org.

Thank you for standing with CRPA as we continue to fight for your inalienable right of gun ownership in Sacramento, the courts and throughout California.

Tonight, the Los Altos branch of the Santa Clara Library District will be showing an anti-Second Amendment film that was produced by the Peninsula Peace and Justice Center. This showing will also feature a spokesperson from the Brady Campaign, an organization that is notorious for attempting to limit the right to keep and bear arms. 

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