Election Games: May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favor!
Every year CRPA has a coordinated effort with the NRA to evaluate and rate those individuals who are in the electoral process in California. 2016 will be an extremely interesting year as gun-owners are expected to show up at the polls in record numbers to combat the ever-increasing pressure to whittle away at the Second Amendment rights that we hold dear. CRPA wanted to give our members a preview of the political landscape in California by showcasing…
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Every year CRPA has a coordinated effort with the NRA to evaluate and rate those individuals who are in the electoral process in California. 2016 will be an extremely interesting year as gun-owners are expected to show up at the polls in record numbers to combat the ever-increasing pressure to whittle away at the Second Amendment rights that we hold dear. CRPA wanted to give our members a preview of the political landscape in California by showcasing…
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