
Del Mar Fairgrounds Pays for Violating Your Rights

July 1, 2020

Gun Culture Wins the Battle At Del Mar Fairgrounds and Sends Message to Other Fairgrounds Focused on Discrimination

We told them in multiple meetings. We had hundreds of members and gun owners show up for meeting after meeting. We had letters from members send in support of gun shows, we gave testimony, and still, the Del Mar Fairgrounds attempted to shut down the lawful activity of gun shows.

Why would they intentionally discriminate against gun owners? Because they were listening to the gun control crowd that wants nothing more than to destroy the gun culture and your ability to lawfully purchase a firearm. CRPA and other plaintiffs (B&L Productions, Inc., Crossroads of the West, South Bay Rod and Gun Club, Maximum Wholesale/Ammo Brothers, Second Amendment Foundation, and five private individuals) led the way and fought back against this because we understand that they will not stop at gun shows. We understand that California already has some of the most strict gun laws in the country and that there is no gun show loophole here.

The federal court agreed with CRPA and the other plaintiffs and handed us a wonderfully thought out constitutional analysis in a court order that supported the First Amendment rights of those choosing to attend a gun show on state property and noting that the government does not get to discriminate against a lawful group just because they do not like the message. (If you are a new gun owner this opinion from the court will give you great insight and education on your rights-Take some time to read it.)

In light of this order from the court, the Del Mar Fairgrounds Board moved to settle the case and ended up paying handsomely (costs, damages, and attorney fees) for blatant discrimination against gun owners and the promoters of the show. Other fair boards have been watching this case and we hope will take note of what happens when government oversteps its bounds.

THANK YOU for your continued support of cases like this that seek to protect your rights as gun owners to assemble and maintain areas of public and open speech about the Second Amendment issues and culture. Your support makes a difference! Congratulations to all of the plaintiffs in this case.



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