
CRPANews Alert: San Diego Board of Supervisors Considers Ordinance to Ban Recreational Shooting on Federal Land

October 30, 2018

The San Diego Board of Supervisors voted in favor of a ban (on first reading) on federal BLM  land for the Donohoe Flats and Pink Gate recreational shooting areas. This ordinance will be on the agenda again at the Board’s November 13th meeting and we need Second Amendment supporters to attend and write to the Board to oppose the final passage of the ordinance. NRA and CRPA attorneys have been in contact with local gun clubs, BLM and the Board of Supervisors over the past several weeks and drafted a letter outlining the legal concerns with the Board trying to exercise local authority over federal lands.


If you can make the meeting on November 13th at 9:00A.M., more information and the agenda will be sent out as it is made available. We would encourage all members to write to the Board of Supervisors and tell them to VOTE NO on the second reading of the proposed ordinance

What to Say: I oppose the proposed ordinance to permanently stop recreational shooting near Donohoe Mountain and Pink Gate areas. There are already ordinances that protect these areas during high fire danger times and permanently closing these areas to recreational shooting is an attack on lawful activity on federal lands. As a concerned citizen I stand in opposition to the proposed ordinance and ask that the Board of Supervisors vote no on this action.

Dianne Jacob, Supervisor (Sponsor & Proponent of the Ordinance)- dianne.jacob@sdcounty.ca.gov

Greg Cox, Supervisor – greg.cox@sdcounty.ca.gov

Ron Roberts, Supervisor – http://www.ronroberts.com/content/d4/en/contact.html

Bill Horn, Supervisor – bill.horn@sdcounty.ca.gov

Kristin Gaspar, Supervisor – kristin.gaspar@sdcounty.ca.gov

The San Diego Board of Supervisors voted in favor of a ban (on first reading) on federal BLM  land for the Donohoe Flats and Pink Gate recreational shooting areas. This ordinance will be on the agenda again at the Board’s November 13th meeting and we need Second Amendment supporters to attend and write to the Board to oppose the final passage of the ordinance. NRA and CRPA attorneys have been in contact with local gun clubs, BLM and the Board of Supervisors over the past several weeks and drafted a letter outlining the legal concerns with the Board trying to exercise local authority over federal lands.

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