CRPA Pushes Forward In “Sensitive Places” Fight
Last week’s ruling in May v. Bonta left everyone a bit confused. Despite the best attempt of attorney Kostas Moros to explain it, the ruling clearly was NOT going to stand as it was.
Thursday, the CRPA filed a motion seeking an en banc rehearing of the case.
As you all are well aware, May challenges the provisions of SB 2, particularly the sweeping designation of “sensitive places” that render a CCW nearly useless. The bill employs a tactic other states and some localities have tried: limiting where lawful carry is permitted rather than taking on a direct challenge to the Second Amendment.
Stay tuned in the coming weeks as this motion is heard and we find out the next steps for this critical case. Obviously we cannot allow the rights of lawful gun owners to be tossed aside through clever wordsmithing.
We need your help as this fight goes forward! Please join us in helping to….