
CRPA Goes On Offense in ’23

January 2, 2023

From Our President & General Counsel, Chuck Michel….

This past year was most certainly a momentous and historic one for the Second Amendment. The landmark Bruen decision from the U.S. Supreme Court marked the beginning of a new era for Second Amendment advocates and for successful court challenges to Second Amendment infringements using the new Bruen standard. But as we said at the time, that decision just marked the beginning of a new series of battles. While Bruen set a new standard, it is a standard that must now be AFFIRMATIVELY applied through challenges to decades of pointless past infringements, and to stop new laws put on lawful gun owners by posturing politicians with an anti-gun owner agenda.

So while gun owners can always look back fondly on 2022, I’m even more excited about this coming year. Bruen gives CRPA the ability to be even more proactive and to go on a renewed offensive. To challenge restrictive laws in court. To righteously fight new laws in Sacramento and locally. And, yes, it even gives us the opportunity to introduce our own proposals to reclaim our rights. In short, 2023 should be the year for a long overdue SECOND AMENDMENT RECKONING in California!

That is EXACTLY what CRPA intend to bring about.

In the coming months, you will see CRPA put forward legislative and regulatory changes that claw back our Second Amendment rights after decades abuse by politicians and bureaucrats who want to murder the freedom loving “gun culture” that they despise. We will continue to engage and empower CRPA’s local Chapters to stand up when localities look to restrict and burden our freedoms, and to speak up for elected local representatives that respect our rights and don’t distort the truth to advance their gun ban agenda. And, of course, we will continue to bring 2A lawsuits and fight in court to roll back all the useless anti-2A laws already in place, and to stop the new ones that Gavin Newsom and his cronies are desperately pushing in their effort to get around the constitutional protections that Bruen restored.

Governor Newsom, Attorney General Bonta, and the gun banning gaggle in Sacramento and in cities across California have had their time. They vilified and blamed law-abiding citizens for their failures for decades simply for exercising our fundamental rights. Now it’s our turn. This year, in courtrooms, city halls, and in the Capital, CRPA will continue to fight to reclaim our freedoms using our newly recognized legal authority.

This is our time to shine. JOIN US as we do the work necessary to make it happen.

Thank you for your support of CRPA!