
Community Local Action: Hear My Story

October 2, 2018

Diane Feinstein has proposed The Gun Violence Restraining Order for the nation.

If you are concerned about your 2nd Amendment rights, you need to read my short story called Demise. It is about how the temporary restraining order and the hearsay rule are used in CA to destroy the strict scrutiny requirements of the 2nd Amendment without due process. My story sheds light on why court reform is needed.

My story Demise begins in the middle of the trial to make Sam’s (my accuser) temporary restraining order permanent. Sam testified under oath: “I didn’t claim Christy called me on the phone every six months …the police misstated …that is just a discrepancy.” But, Sam’s testimony was in contrast to what was initially claimed in his police report that stripped Christy of her right to bear arms, a woman who has never even touched a gun. Without one piece of evidence Sam claimed, Christy threatened his process server with a gun. …and more.

The story Demise has a perspective you won’t hear anywhere else. Don’t wait until your rights are gone before understanding how to protect yourself. Demise is only $5.00, the price of a coffee, and is available in Kindle and paper back. Click the image below and order your copy today.

Christy A., Second Amendment supporter, writer of Demise, available on Amazon. Email: 2ndAmendment@mail.com

Note: Any views or opinions presented in this post are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the CRPA.

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