
SB 252 WITHDRAWN! Aimed to Ban All Bear Hunting in California

January 31, 2021

UPDATE- VICTORY! Due to an intense online campaign from CRPA and the many members of the California Hunters Conservation Coalition – SB 252 has been pulled. Thank you to all those that let your voices be heard!

Bottom line: THOUSANDS of our supporters reached out and said NO! Banning bear hunting is bad for our precious natural ecology, and it’s bad for California – and banning it completely across the board is WRONG. 

Original Post – Introduced this week Senate Bill 252 (SB 252) by Senator Wiener of San Francisco County will eliminate the legal take of bears in our state and change their designation to “non-game” animals.

Imagine that, Senator Wiener who represents a county with zero black bears and zero black bear human conflicts feels it is appropriate and important for him to make the lawful act of hunting black bears illegal for all Californians! In these times when we are facing thousands of Californians out of work and a pandemic, he wants to take away a critical management tool and means of which thousands of Californians put healthy food on the table for their families.

This is an insult to the Department of Fish & Wildlife and a direct threat to the authority granted to them by the California Fish and Game Commission.  The California Rifle & Pistol Association Inc. believes bear management decisions should, be based on the best science available to wildlife management professionals, not misguided legislators, personal beliefs or emotions.

It’s critical you reach out to your elected representatives today and every week to come until we defeat this very bad piece of legislation!!  Tell them you demand they vote NO on SB 252! Stand with us and together we can win this battle if we all do our part!

If you do not know who your representative is, and how to contact them, please CLICK HERE

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