
Member Call To Action- Legislative Alert!

Legislative Alert! We Need You!


Harmful bills are moving from committee to the floor for a vote next week! Usually we would have more time to contact your representatives and stop legislation from progressing, but with all of the COVID changes in Sacramento meant to keep our voices at bay, we are taking no chances.

We need members to start calling your elected officials immediately! These bills will be out of their respective houses and to the Governor’s desk by next Friday. Please call right away!


Tell them that harmful bills are moving to the floor for a final vote and they must be stopped.


They should vote NO on:

AB 2362– Firearm Dealer/Conduct of Business- Places $1,000 to $3,000 fines on dealers for minimal mistakes in recordkeeping which could increase cost of doing business.

AB 2847-Unsafe Handguns- Will remove 3 guns for every 1 new gun that is added to the list.

SB 1175– Iconic African Species Act-Will mandate what happens in other countries and would limit hunting and wildlife conservation efforts in those countries.


More information on each of these bills can be found here.

Locate your elected officials here.

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