
Legisltive Alert- Anti-Gun Legislation Is Back!

May 7, 2020

Legislature Is Back In Session And Back To Their Same Old Tricks

May 7, 2020- This week the California State Legislature came back into session with many new rules like keeping registered lobbyists and organizations out.

They are not playing by the established rules and instead making them up as they go- No big surprise! They will allow the homeless person or the general population to come sit in the gallery and watch the proceedings (No one will), but no registered lobbyists may hold meetings with legislative staff or attend hearings to provide testimony on the topic. They are completely shutting out the voices of millions of people that those organizations represent. Many of the offices are refusing to answer the phones as well so there is no way to contact them on pending issues.

Not only are they suppressing the voice of the people, but they are trying to fast-track anti-gun legislation. Another big surprise!

AB 2847 (Chiu) Would require that any new firearm that is added to the “Safe Handgun List” would require that three other firearms are removed from the list. This is nothing more than a way to threaten manufacturers with developing new firearms for Californians. It is arbitrary and has no public safety impact because supposedly the state has already deemed those firearms on the list as “safe.” Why would a gun suddenly become unsafe just because another one is added to the list? It doesn’t. This is purely agenda driven and another way to attack law-abiding gun owners!

CRPA is fighting this in Sacramento with our legislative team and if this legislation passes, we are already looking at legal action that may be necessary.

They may try to pass this while no one is looking, but CRPA is standing watch and on guard as the legislative session continues.

For the Full listing of bills we are currently tracking Click Here

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