Law Enforcement Groups File Amicus Brief in Support of CRPA Roster Case

Today the Peace Officers Research Association of CA, the California State Sheriff’s Association, the California Police Chiefs Association, the California Association of Highway Patrolmen, and the California Reserve Peace Officers Association filed an Amicus Brief in support of CRPA’s position in the Boland v. Bonta case as the case is up on appeal in the Ninth Circuit. These groups have a long-standing and rich history of upholding the laws of the state and note that without question, the California Unsafe Handgun Act’s “required safety ‘features’ do not noticeably improve the overall safety of firearms” otherwise they would require agencies and law enforcement to use firearms with those features. Going further, the amici conclude that “the UHA purports to ban unsafe handguns, [but] it actually bars members of the public from obtaining newer, improved, and safer generations of handguns already approved.”
CRPA President and General Counsel Chuck Michel commented, “We are thrilled that to have the support of such distinguished law enforcement organizations on a case that CRPA believes is critical to the Second Amendment rights of the lawful gun owner in California.” He continued stating, “CRPA supports law enforcement and shares in the values expressed by these groups in their brief.”
The law enforcement organizations were straight shooters in their brief, stating, “Amici believe the relationship between law enforcement and society is critical, and laws that unjustifiably privilege law enforcement over the average citizen are bad for the relationship between law enforcement and the communities they police. Private citizens have a Constitutional right to be armed… Armed citizens do for themselves what law enforcement cannot always be there to do.”
We need your help as this case works its way through the Ninth Circuit. Please consider donating to rid California of the handgun roster once and for all.