
Proposed FFL Fee Increase In San Diego

April 30, 2015

Help Stop San Diego From Imposing Illegal And Unjust Fees On Licensed Firearm Dealers

The San Diego Budget Review Committee is set to consider again increasing the City’s fees for Firearm Dealer licenses and Firearm Dealer Employee licenses. The proposal would increase the annual cost for a firearm retailer to obtain a license from the already outrageous fee of $1,755 per license to $1,857—four times the amount most other California cities charge. And even though California law prohibits cities from imposing fees for additional firearm employee background checks, San Diego is also considering quadrupling the city’s annual Firearms Dealer Employee License fee from $45 to a whopping $254 per employee license! Beyond further burdening an already heavily regulated and fee-riddled industry, these extreme fee increases will be passed on to the consumer at best and force firearm businesses to stagnate, downsize, or move out of San Diego at worst.

When this proposal was first made to the Budget and Government Efficiency Committee weeks ago, attorneys for the NRA and the California Rifle and Pistol Association (“CRPA”) submitted an opposition letter [link] urging the members to recommend that the San Diego City Council reject the proposed raising of the dealer license fee and repeal entirely the illegal employee fee. While the Committee did not go that far, it did recommend referring the matter to this other committee to further consider the proposal before acting.

It also prompted the San Diego Police Department to host a recent forum to discuss the proposed fee increases. An attorney representing NRA and CRPA attended the event. Despite that attorney’s requests for more information justifying the proposed increases, the Department was unable to provide any evidence substantiating either one, simply saying that they believe the amounts are “reasonable.” The problem for the Department is that the law requires that the amount of fees be tied to specific costs incurred. The Department’s only helpful advice, ironically, was that if the public wants “transparency” regarding these fee amounts, it must demand it from the City Council. So now is the time to let them hear your voice!

We urge you to voice your concerns and opposition to the City Council/Budget Review Committee members before the proposal is set to be heard on May 4. Remember, this isn’t the first time the city has tried to raise these fees. Just three years ago San Diego nearly tripled its fee for firearm retailers from $660 to its current amount of $1,755. It will not likely stop there unless pressured. The Committee can be contacted at:

City Administration Building
202 “C” Street, 12th Floor
San Diego, CA 92101


President Sherri Lightner sherrilightner@sandiego.gov
Council President Pro Tem Marti Emerald martiemerald@sandiego.gov
Councilmember David Alvarez davidalvarez@sandiego.gov
Councilmember Scott Sherman scottsherman@sandiego.gov
Councilmember Chris Cate chriscate@sandiego.gov
Councilmember Mark Kersey markkersey@sandiego.gov
Councilmember Myrtle Cole myrtlecole@sandiego.gov
Councilmember Todd Gloria toddgloria@sandiego.gov
Councilmember Lorie Zapf loriezapf@sandiego.gov

Also, contact Mayor Kevin Faulconer’s Office to voice your opposition.  He can be reached at:

Mayor Kevin L. Faulconer
City Administration Building
202 C Street, 11th Floor
San Diego, CA 92101
(619) 236-6330  kevinfaulconer@sandiego.gov

Please help us fight for your right to choose to own a gun for sport, or to defend yourself and your family. CRPA and NRA work together in California to fight for you in San Diego, cities and counties across the state, in regulatory agencies, and in the courts. Even with the generous rates that our team of civil rights attorneys, legislative advocates, experts and consultants grant us, these ongoing efforts are still expensive. You can support our pro-Second Amendment efforts in California by donating to the CRPA Foundation (CRPAF). CRPAF is a 501(c)(3), so contributions to CRPAF are tax-deductible. Or donate to NRA Legal Action Project. All donations will be spent to specifically benefit California gun owners.

Help Stop San Diego From Imposing Illegal And Unjust Fees On Licensed Firearm Dealers

The San Diego Budget Review Committee is set to consider again increasing the City’s fees for Firearm Dealer licenses and Firearm Dealer Employee licenses. The proposal would increase the annual cost for a firearm retailer to obtain a license from the already outrageous fee of $1,755 per license to $1,857—four times the amount most other California cities charge.

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