
You Be The Judge

May 24, 2016


Dear Riverside County Voters,

Attorney Burke Strunsky is running for Superior Court Judge in Riverside County. CRPA and NRA both urge you to vote against him and support candidate D.W. Duke instead.

Candidate Duke has published articles demonstrating his strong support for the individual right to keep and bear arms.

Candidate Strunsky, on the other hand, played a critical and central role in drafting and supporting San Francisco’s Proposition Hthe most extreme gun control measure ever proposed in California. Prop H would have banned the civilian possession of handguns entirely. It was stopped only by the 2008 NRA/CRPA supported lawsuit, Fiscal v. City and County of San Francisco. Which successfully challenged Strunsky’s law on state preemption grounds.

Candidate Strunsky would like gun owners to believe that he has changed his mind. He claims that because of the Supreme Court’s Heller decision, he now supports your Second Amendment rights. Strunsky’s claim though, that theHeller case is the basis of him changing his views, is troubling. There are dozens of bias judges across the country who have said the same but then deliberately interpreted the Heller decision so narrowly that in some courts, the Second Amendment offers practically no protection against government infringement on the RKBA.

We need judges who will interpret the Heller decision the way its author, Justice Scalia, intended – expansively.  We need judges who will embrace the Second Amendment enthusiastically, not reluctantly.

So how would candidate Strunsky interpret the Second Amendment? Here is an excerpt from Strunsky’s interview with the Examiner on September 7, 2012, more than 4 years AFTER the Heller opinion came down. His bias is obvious.

E:As a lawyer, how do you think the easy access of handguns, ammunitions, and other weapons may have been a factor in the recent Colorado movie theater massacre or other shooting spree crimes?

BS: It is hard for anyone who is objectively looking at these incidents to deny that lives would have been saved had there been more restrictions on the purchasing of firearms and ammunition. Nonetheless, the extreme supporters of unrestricted gun rights say that the problem was not too many guns, but rather not enough guns. So there will always be those who claim that any restriction on the arming of the citizens in the audience, who potentially could have fired back at the gunman, also cost lives. The bottom line is that there is no excuse for the failure to restrict high-capacity clips and weapons of war like AR-15’s. At some point I hope we can all accept the undeniable connection between guns and gun violence.

E: What changes in gun law, do you think, if any, could deter these crimes?

BS: I recently read that the United States makes up approximately 5% of the world’s population, but has 50% of the guns. The bottom line is American gun violence is high because the number of guns is high. The answer is painfully simple: lower the accessibility to guns and we will see a reduction in gun violence.

Below, we have compiled a list of articles showing Strunsky’s true colors. You be the judge:

“When It Comes To Guns, Is The Only thing Congress Has To Fear Fear Itself?

Why Americans Can’t Agree On Gun Control”

“A Response To The NRA Press Conference”

“The Gun Control Controversy”

“Riverside County Prosecutor Lends Support To Feinstein’s Gun Control Proposals”

“Deputy District Attorney Burke Strunsky Lights A Path Towards Justice In New Book” 

Our efforts to inform you regarding the truth behind Strunsky’s bias against your Second Amendment rights were challenged by the Strunsky campaign, which filed a frivolous complaint against CRPA and NRA with the FPPC. Last week, the FPPC dismissed their complaint as without foundation. CRPA will not back down on telling the truth and will continue to alert you, our members, about candidates who will not protect your constitutional right to keep and bear arms. We will also tell you about the candidates who do.

If you have not done so already, please register to vote  permanently by mail today so you can participate in the June 7 th Primary Election and help pro-Second Amendment candidates. To see our recommended candidates, you can click here.

When gun owners and believers in the right to keep and bear arms vote, we have a fighting chance of stopping the onslaught of anti-gun regulations coming from state and local politicians. By changing the voices who represent us at the Capitol, we change the direction of the laws being passed. To join our efforts of encouraging other supporters of the Second Amendment to vote, please visit our website at www.crpa.org to find out how to help.

Thank you!


Dear Riverside County Voters,

Attorney Burke Strunsky is running for Superior Court Judge in Riverside County. CRPA and NRA both urge you to vote against him and support candidate D.W. Duke instead.

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