
Senate, Assembly Pass Anti Firearm Bills

June 20, 2016

Last week, the State Senate Public Safety Committee passed five bills in response to the tragic incident that took place at UCLA. The bills ranged from banning semi-automatic weapons (such as the AR-15), to redefining what qualifies as a firearm including the ban of inanimate objects that are used in the construction of a firearm.

This insidious attempt to turn a tragedy into political gain must be stopped!

The bills are as follows:

AB 1664 (Levine & Ting): AB 1664 would extend the definition of an assault weapon to include all semi-automatic rifles and pistols with a removable magazine and that use “bullet button”. For example, an AR-15 would be included in this.

AB 1673 (Gipson): AB 1673 would take the definition of a firearm and extend to it include any unfinished frames or receivers that can be converted into a weapon. This bill could make any object that is associated with a firearm subject to the same regulations that apply to firearms.

AB 1674  (Santiago): AB 1674 would add to the current restrictions that are placed on an individual in regards to how many firearms they can purchase in a 30 day period. Current law states that only one handgun can be purchased in this time period but if this legislation is passed, long guns would fall under this restriction as well.

AB 1695 (Bonta): AB 1695 would require the Attorney General to send individuals a pamphlet regarding all firearm laws, how to safely store your weapon, and gun trafficking. This measure would result in wasteful government spending as criminals will not be receiving these pamphlets, only law-abiding gun owners who are already aware of this information.

AB 2607 (Ting): AB 2607 would allow an employer, coworker or mental health worker to file a restraining order on an individual to keep them from owning a gun. This individual would not be allowed to defend themselves until 21 days later. In this time, they would have their right to bear arms stripped from them, regardless if the claims were true or not..

The bills mentioned above will now move on to the floor of the Senate to be heard before the entire body. The date for the hearing has not been set, but we expect it to take place within the next two weeks.

It is absolutely imperative that you contact your Senator to vote against these bills. You should also reach out to the authors to tell them to pull these bad policy proposals and stop their attacks on the freedoms of law-abiding citizens.

The list of authors for each bill and their contact info can be found here. To find your Senator, you can click here.

If we are not able to stop these bills here, then we must contact the Governor. We recommend that you get a head start and start contacting his office now and tell him to veto these horrendous pieces of legislation if they make it to his desk.

The Governor’s contact information can be found here.

CRPA and our allies are continuing the fight on the front lines to ensure that our Second Amendment rights are preserved into the next generation.

Remember, phone calls are still the best way to contact your elected officials because it ties up their phone lines!

If you don’t get through the first time, please keep trying!

Last month, the California State Senate unleashed a fury of anti-firearm legislation that would create many new regulations and render thousands of gun owners as criminals. This past Tuesday, these bills were heard and passed by the Assembly Public Safety Committee, which means they will be moving on to the Assembly floor.

We must stop these bills from becoming law!

The bills can be seen below:

SB 1235 (De León): SB 1235 requires background checks for ammunition purchasers, licenses to sell ammunition, and collection of sale information. Restrictions on ammunition purchases, creates a DOJ database of ammunition owners.  Bans internet / out of state ammunition purchase.

SB 880 (Hall, Glazer): SB 880 redefines assault weapons to encompass specified guns capable of accepting any type of detachable magazine. Bans common and constitutionally protected firearms that have magazine locking devices.

SB 1446 (Hancock):  SB 1446 prohibits the possession of magazines that hold more than 10 rounds. Confiscation of lawfully acquired, standard capacity magazines that can hold over 10 rounds.

SB 1407 (De León): SB 1407 requires a person to get a serial number from DOJ before making or assembling a gun. Retroactively requires serial numbers to be placed on (some or numbers of) firearms dating back to 1899.

SB 894 (Jackson): SB 894 requires the reporting of a lost or stolen gun within 5 days of when a person knows or reasonably should have known of the theft or loss. Victimizes victims by criminalizing the failure to report lost and stolen firearms.

At each step in the legislative process, we must let the legislators in Sacramento know that we will not stand idly by as our right to protect ourselves is ripped away from us and criminals are allowed to roam free.

It is crucial that you not only call your Assembly member but every member of the Assembly to let them know that you will not accept the passage of bills that will limit the right to protect oneself and their families in California.

The next stop for the bills, if passed by the Assembly, is the Governor’s office. That is why it is crucial that we, as defenders of the Second Amendment, start contacting the Governor and urge him to veto these bills. Unfortunately, despite what the authors say, the bills proposed will do nothing to make our streets safer and will only result in the loss of our rights.

To find your Assembly Member, click here. A full list of the California State Assembly can be found here. Also, the contact information for each author of these individual pieces of legislation can be found here.

To contact the Governor, click here

CRPA will be in the Capitol everyday, fighting against these bills to ensure that our right to keep and bear arms is a right that continues. Help CRPA continue to advocate for your freedoms. Please assist in these efforts by getting involved or making a donation. Your donation will empower CRPA to continue the fight for your constitutional rights in Sacramento.

Last week, the State Senate Public Safety Committee passed five bills in response to the tragic incident that took place at UCLA. The bills ranged from banning semi-automatic weapons (such as the AR-15), to redefining what qualifies as a firearm including the ban of inanimate objects that are used in the construction of a firearm.

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