
SB 452

February 17, 2016

SB 452 – Theft: Firearms
Cathleen Galgiani (D-5)

CRPA’s Position: Support

Summary: Existing law, the Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Act, enacted by Proposition 47, as approved by the voters at the November 4, 2014, statewide general election, requires the theft of property that does not exceed $950 to be considered petty theft, and makes the crime punishable as a misdemeanor, except in cases when the defendant has previously been convicted of one or more specified serious or violent felonies or an offense requiring registration as a sex offender. This bill would, upon approval by the voters, make the theft of a firearm grand theft in all cases, punishable by imprisonment in the state prison for 16 months, or 2 or 3 years. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.

To view full version of the bill click here.

Introduced: 2/25/2015

Last Amend: 5/5/2015

Current Status: 1/22/2016-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(b)(2).

Location: 1/22/2016-S. Dead.

SB 452 – Theft: Firearms
Cathleen Galgiani (D-5)

CRPA’s Position: Support

Summary: Existing law, the Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Act, enacted by Proposition 47, as approved by the voters at the November 4, 2014, statewide general election, requires the theft of property that does not exceed $950 to be considered petty theft, and makes the crime punishable as a misdemeanor, except in cases when the defendant has previously been convicted of one or more specified serious or violent felonies or an offense requiring registration as a sex offender.

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