Public Safety Committee Votes For Less Safety
Under the leadership of gun-hating Chairman Reggie Jones-Sawyer, the Assembly Public Safety Committee voted to deprive young Californian’s of their right to own a gun and to ban the Crossroads gun show in Daly City.
SB 1100 (Portantino, D) which raises the age to purchase a long gun from 18 to 21, will strip away the rights of young Californians to defend themselves. Despite the fact that this bill will leave countless young adults vulnerable in their own homes, Jones-Sawyer and his anti-gun cronies decided that a disarmed populace is in the interest of public safety.
To add insult to injury, while pontificating on the merits of this bill, Chairman Jones-Sawyer equated the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms to the ability to smoke weed at 21. Equating a Constitutional right to the legal use of marijuana is deplorable and shows a blatant disregard for our nation’s Constitution. Granted, what do really expect from a public drug user who refers to the Constitution as a “dusty old document” and believes that we shouldn’t follow the Constitution because “we are California”?
As if that wasn’t bad enough, the public safety committee also voted in favor of banning gun shows at the Cow Palace arena in Daly City (SB 221 Wiener, D). The State fair boards, CRPA, and our allies provided strong testimony in favor of the shows; the logical fact-based evidence was even persuasive enough to compel Assemblyman Bill Quirk, who is no friend to the Second Amendment, not to vote. Despite the facts presented, Chairman Jones-Sawyer ensured the passage of this garbage legislation.
Neither of these bills will make our communities safer. Disarming young adults and banning gun shows will have zero effect on gun violence. It will only leave entire groups and communities defenseless and at the mercy of criminals who refuse to obey the law. Chairman Jones-Sawyer’s fanatical campaign to undermine our rights will only serve to make us less safe.
Despite these setbacks, we will continue to fight for your rights in the legislature and in the courts. We refuse to let gun banning zealots like Reggie Jones-Sawyer chip away at the Constitutional foundations of this nation. With your help we can stop these bills. Contact your Assemblymember today and urge them to vote no on SB 1100 and SB 221.
Also, feel free to contact Assemblyman Jones-Sawyer to express your feelings on these two bills.
Reggie Jones-Sawyer: 916-319-2059
Facebook: Jones-Sawyer 59th
Twitter: @JonesSawyer59
Instagram: @jonessawyer59
Under the leadership of gun-hating Chairman Reggie Jones-Sawyer, the Assembly Public Safety Committee voted to deprive young Californian’s of their right to own a gun and to ban the Crossroads gun show in Daly City.
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