
National Firearm Parts Ban Legislation Proposed

November 15, 2018

It seems gun rights are the target of the new Democrat majority.

H.R. 7115 seeks to ban the sale and advertisement of gun parts throughout the country. More specifically “assault weapons” are cited as the target of most of these restrictions, as long as handgun parts.

This bill essentially seeks to ban the building of AR-15’s, customization, and lower parts kits.  The title of the bill is “3D Firearms Prohibition Act” but in the bill’s text, it has very little to do with 3D printed guns. Most of the text applies to the ban of widely and safely used kits.

Ammoland explains the bill’s flaws, “The bill will ban the selling and all forms of advertising of parts kits for modern sporting rifles. Upper and Lower parts kit allow a user to build their own guns using a stripped lower or upper receiver. In a vast majority of these situations, the user buys a serialized lower receiver from a gun dealer. These serialized lower receivers are considered firearms and fall under all state and federal firearms laws. They require a background check like any other firearm.

By preventing the sale of parts kits, the bill would make it almost impossible to repair a rifle. When something breaks the gun would be useless. The bill doesn’t seem to exempt licensed gunsmiths from the law. It would make all semi-automatic rifles impossible to repair even buy a licensed gunsmith.”

Reading these bills and their analysis can be unsettling to think that our House of Representatives wants a ban such as this, but the 2A community can take comfort in the Senate and Oval office being the best defense for the Second Amendment in this case.

It seems gun rights are the target of the new Democrat majority.

H.R. 7115 seeks to ban the sale and advertisement of gun parts throughout the country. More specifically “assault weapons” are cited as the target of most of these restrictions, as long as handgun parts.

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