Back In Session In Sacramento

Just a couple weeks back, the folks who brought you “sensitive places”, an 11% tax, endless databases and registries, and countless other measures from the gun control playbook gaveled in the next two-year session in Sacramento. That’s rarely welcome news for 2A advocates.
The tragic fires in Los Angeles, “Trump-proofing” the state, and yesterday’s inauguration (and several significant Executive Orders) dominated lawmakers’ attention early on and, thus far at least, there are only a handful of bills on which CRPA is keeping a close eye. This Friday, however, is the last day that members can submit bill requests to the Legislative Counsel’s office. Despite the significant reduction in the number of bills that a member can introduce, we anticipate a number of anti-2A bills will be introduced.
The post-Bruen push to degrade Second Amendment rights will likely continue, and with the state in a huge budget hole even BEFORE considering fire relief, the need for additional revenues will create tremendous pressure.
CRPA remains on the front lines in Sacramento, fighting each day for 2A rights and bolstered by the active support of our members. The grassroots advocacy of our members, who impact their communities and, hence, their representatives, each day provide a source of strength to our collective efforts that helps us turn back the millions poured in by the Bloombergs and Soros’ of the world.
Your advocacy reaches right into the Capitol at key times through our text alert program, providing a timely push for key members that has resulted in tangible results over the years.
Similarly, your contributions to our efforts sustain and enhance our efforts. Have you joined our $25 for ’25 campaign yet?
With this campaign, we want to show the DEPTH and BREADTH of support and have EVERYONE participate in a great show of strength for the 2A community. Please donate and be part of it!