Take My Rights? Another Lame Idea From Sacramento

By now we’re all aware that Sacramento legislators truly believe they know better than us, and that they must take action to save us from ourselves. But wait till you see the latest “protection” being offered.
SB 320 (Limon), which is set to be heard next week, would create a voluntary “do not sell” list that one could opt into to prohibit themselves from buying a firearm. Yes, you read that correctly. While you might think that the best way to keep yourself from buying something would be to simply, well, NOT BUY IT. But if this bill becomes law, you can literally ban yourself.
It’s an idea so laughably unnecessary that it may seem silly to even spend any time on it. But the creation of a new database, linked to other existing databases, comes with the potential for unforeseen consequences.
In the latest installment of CRPA TV, host Kevin Small welcomes back Legislative Director Rick Travis to talk through though the latest “nanny state” idea from Sacramento. Check out this interview now!