





RIVERSIDE CRPA CHAPTER CALENDAR AND EVENTS INFORMATION PAGE:                                                                  Last Updated: 2024-12-17

MEETING SCHEDULE:                                                                                              Generally, meets on the *Fourth Wednesday of each Month.                           * Schedule Adjustments.

Upcoming Riverside Chapter Meetings:

WHEN:                                              WHERE:

2025-01-25    1200 (Noon) Saturday at 2A Zone, 6710 Brockton Ave, Riverside, CA (In Person Only)                                                        Guest Speaker:

2025-02-26    1800 (6:00pm) at 2A Zone, 6710 Brockton Ave, Riverside, CA (In Person Only)                                                                           Guest Speaker:   

2025-03-26    1800 (6:00pm) at 2A Zone, 6710 Brockton Ave, Riverside, CA (In Person Only)      

2025-04-23    1800 (6:00pm) at 2A Zone, 6710 Brockton Ave, Riverside, CA (In Person Only)     

2025-05-28    1800 (6:00pm) at 2A Zone, 6710 Brockton Ave, Riverside, CA (In Person Only)     

2025-06-25    1800 (6:00pm) at 2A Zone, 6710 Brockton Ave, Riverside, CA (In Person Only)     

2025-07-23    1800 (6:00pm) at 2A Zone, 6710 Brockton Ave, Riverside, CA (In Person Only)     



Sometimes, You meet important members of the community at a CRPA Chapter meeting!

L-R: Ron Lander, Riverside Chapter Chairman;  Christina Gastelo, CRPA Staff;  Chad Bianco. Riverside County Sheriff;  Richard Ives, Riverside Chapter Liaison Officer;  Alicia Brewer, CRPA Staff.

Nearby Chapter Meetings:

See: Coachella Valley Gun Owners                                                                                                     See: San Bernardino County Gun Owners                                                                                      See: LA South Bay Gun Owners


Upcoming Gun Shows and Events:      

CRPA Volunteers Needed at Gun Shows and Events:                                                                                                        Contact:  volunteers@crpa.org , or call: (714) 992-2772.

2024-05-(18 /19)  Sat./Sun. Ontario Gun Show; 

2024-06-01 Saturday – YOA (Youth Outdoor Adventure), Raahauge’s, in Norco;


You never know who you will meet at a Gun Show!  Yes…we bought cookies.

Other Events in and around Riverside County:

[     ]

Local Training Events:

2024/25  CRPA Training Opportunities at Fullerton, Riverside, Chino, and other local resources:

call : (714) 992-2772

The following are some future Events,  for new dates and times, go to crpa.org/training, Call for Prices.

4/16/2024 (C) 4/20/2024 (F)

(V) = Virtual
(F) = Fullerton
(R) = Riverside
(C) = Chino
(M) = Murrietta




The following Calendar Contains All CRPA Chapter Meetings / Events throughout California, Etc: