
Become An Instructor

Become A Certified CRPA Firearms Instructor

You can be the vital element in teaching others the attitude, skills, and knowledge that will lead to a lifetime of safe, enjoyable, and successful involvement in firearm and shooting activities. For over 150 years the California Rifle & Pistol Association has been providing opportunities for people to safely handle firearms for pleasure or self-defense. Our curriculum is California specific and is designed so that instructors have the latest information on laws that affect gun owners so their students are well informed when they leave class. Most of our CRPA Certified Instructors work in youth programs training the next generation of responsible gun owners as well as new gun owners and those that are more experienced but who are looking to brush up on their skill levels.

A major objective of the California Rifle & Pistol Association is to promote and educate the public regarding safe and responsible firearm ownership and use. Over the past several years we have added over 1 million new gun owners in California so instructor have a big job ahead of them. It was this catalyst and people complaining that available classes were full for months ahead of time that prompted CRPA Training staff to move forward with our own training curriculum. 

Nationally, instructors provide an invaluable service in their communities by training hundreds of thousands of individuals annually. As firearm and shooting activities expand, and more Americans choose to exercise their right to carry a firearm, so too grows the need for training and education.

You can be the vital element in meeting this need by becoming a certified Instructor and teaching others the basics — the attitude, skills, and knowledge that will lead to a lifetime of safe, enjoyable and successful involvement in firearm and shooting activities.

CRPA trains and works with Instructors who enjoy working with people, want to share their firearm skills and knowledge with others, and are willing to make a commitment to teach training courses in their communities.


There are two ways that you can get involved as a CRPA Certified Instructor:

  1. Train your own classes with California Compliant CRPA Certified Curriculum    CLICK HERE!
  2. Become a CRPA Certified Instructor and train for CRPA     CLICK HERE!


Your responsibilities as a CRPA Certified Instructor will include:

  • Conducting Basic Courses in accordance with training materials and policies;
  • Upholding the quality and integrity of required firearm safety and training standards;
  • Promoting firearm safety and the shooting sports; and
  • Reporting training data for the importance of the program

To learn more or talk directly with our CRPA Certified Training staff, email training@crpa.org or call 714-992-2772.

CRPA Certified Instructors must be CRPA Members, must attend the proper classes and satisfactorily complete the coursework for the classes they wish to train, and must renew their CRPA instructor certification every two years for a $35.00 fee. These steps as well as requirements found on the subsequent pages are there to ensure that CRPA Certified Instructors are some of the most knowledgeable trainers in the industry.

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