
Ninth Circuit Shows Its Hand Again, Strikes At First AND Second Amendments

September 25, 2024

The Ninth Circuit has once again shown its hand in dealing with Second Amendment matters. This time they went so far as to treat both the First Amendment and the Second Amendment with disdain in a combined case on banning gun shows in California.

B & L Productions v. Newsom was a joint case on appeal from two different lower courts where one issued an injunction to keep gun shows in place and the other dismissed. The Ninth Circuit did incredible backflips to deliver an opinion that ruled against keeping gun shows in place on state property—something that has been safely happening for more than 40 years. Even when the state did not oppose our request to stay the mandate through appeal, the court, to inflict retribution on the plaintiffs, refused to stay the mandate and vacated the existing injunction thus ending gun shows in California. Read the full opinion here.

CRPA President Chuck Michel vowed that “CRPA will continue fighting for the free speech and Second Amendment rights of those in the gun culture, especially where the Bruen decision is not given its proper respect. Neither of these rights should be negated just because the state decides not to like a disfavored group.”

CRPA will be filing an emergency application to the Supreme Court to protect the injunction in the interests of justice.  This is about WAY MORE than gun shows!