Fresno County Gun Owners: A CRPA Chapter – Home Page
The Fresno County Gun Owners: A CRPA Chapter is made up of dedicated individuals, business owners, ranges, trainers, clubs, and like-minded individuals with shared values in promoting firearm safety and protecting their 2A rights. We seek to bring a positive message about gun owners and the Second Amendment to our community.
“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”
Fresno County, There is Something You Can Do!
Join us in the fight for our Second Amendment rights. Come and be informed of the issues that are affecting our freedoms. Become a CRPA member, attend our free Chapter meeting and get involved with our local events. You can make a difference!
We meet at 6:30 PM on the second Monday each month
at the Police Science Institute, 5133 N. Gates in Fresno.
Visit our Chapter Website for more information: