The Coachella Valley Gun Owners: A CRPA Chapter is made up of dedicated individuals, business owners, ranges, trainers, clubs, and like-minded individuals with shared values in promoting firearm safety and protecting their 2A rights. We serve the Coachella Valley and Morongo Basin areas.
We seek to bring a positive message about gun owners and the Second Amendment to our community.
Our Board Members
Lloyd Doolittle, Chairperson
Lloyd & Sari Miller, Vice Chair
Mark Houghton, Secretary
Tamkin Collins, Social Media
“A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
Coachella Valley: There is Something We Can Do!
Become a Know It All!
We know that everyone can’t know everything about firearms and being a gun owner, but we can be informed and the go-to group for information for new gun owners in our area. Make sure that we are a CRPA member, signed up for the weekly member emails, and get engaged on social media where all the breaking news hits first.
Attending our Chapter meeting (even online) will give you more insight and understanding of the issues we currently support or oppose.
Be Active In Your Community!
People in the community should know you and know what you stand for. This is a way for gun owners to be a positive influence in the local community. Make friends, join clubs, attend community events and council meetings and be a voice of reason where others may not be as well informed.
Reach out to us, membership in our chapter is FREE! cvgo.crpa@gmail.com