
DOJ Firearms Bureau Repeatedly Failing To Do Its Job. CA Senate Wants To Pile On More Work.

January 12, 2018

In typical underhanded fashion, the CA Senate has gutted and amended a business bill unrelated to firearms and turned it into another anti-gun regulation. SB 459 (Portantino, D) will require mandatory inspections of all California firearm dealers at least every two years, even though DOJ can already inspect dealers whenever it wants to.

This proposed bill would put an unnecessary and oppressive burden on California’s FFL’s, who are already subject to some of the strictest laws in the country regulating the sale of firearms.

This bill will also add more to an already overburdened DOJ. As shown by their complete failure to roll out the new “assault weapon” regulations, ammo regulations, and ammo vendor license issuing system on time, DOJ is unequipped, and unable, to perform its legally mandated regulatory obligation to manage the myriad of gun laws coming out of Sacramento. It has become a cliché that at DOJ it’s always “Situation Normal, All Fouled Up” (SNAFU). Adding the labor to do more unnecessary inspections of FFL’s to the DOJ’s existing workload will only result in more delays and failures at the department.

This bill goes before the Senate Committee on Public Safety tomorrow. CRPA will be there to fight this bad legislation, but we need your help. Contact the members of the public safety committee today and tell them to vote no on SB 459; the link to the committee members is listed below.

With your support we can stop this newest bad bill.

Click here to see the list of committee members.

In typical underhanded fashion, the CA Senate has gutted and amended a business bill unrelated to firearms and turned it into another anti-gun regulation. SB 459 (Portantino, D) will require mandatory inspections of all California firearm dealers at least every two years, even though DOJ can already inspect dealers whenever it wants to.

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