
Youth Shooting Groups

CRPA is dedicated to passing on the historical, competitive, and recreational shooting sports heritage to current and future generations. CRPA works to support youth shooting matches and competitions for the following groups:

Boy Scouts of America (BSA)
California Youth Shooting Sports Association (CYSSA)
National 4-H Shooting Sports
National Sporting Clay Association (NSCA)
National Shooting Sports Program (NSSP)
Scholastic Action Shooting Program (SASP)
Scholastic Clay Target Program (SCTP)
Scholastic Shooting Sports Foundation (SSSF)

If there is a group that you would like to let CRPA know about, please contact Brian at bkerz@crpa.org.

This information is listed for CRPA members’ convenience through websites not operated or maintained by CRPA. CRPA cannot vouch for the continued existence, business practices, or legitimacy of the listed businesses. Members are advised to contact the business to confirm hours of operation, locations, admittance policies, etc. before traveling to the location. 
— Always Use Firearms Responsibly