Training, Education and Firearm Safety
Firearm safety is a fundamental component across all programs supported by the CRPA Foundation. Through its efforts, the public is made aware of gun safety programs that are effective in reducing accidents and violence without infringing on the rights of law-abiding gun owners. The CRPAF encourages more active participation by the general public in organized firearms sportsmanship events and sponsored public events which contribute to public awareness of the proper use of firearms and the spirit of cooperation and discipline that is derived therefrom. These efforts exist to serve and inform the Second Amendment, hunting and firearms communities on issues that relate to their rights and legal concerns through the accessibility of:
- Educational media promoted by social media platforms and print publications.
- Research and development of publications that support Second Amendment issues.
- Special intertest programs such as women’s interests, faith-based property programs training and education, and youth shooting sport programs.
- Hunting and conservation opportunities for youth, veterans, adaptive shooters, and conservationists of all ages, backgrounds, and experience.
- Firearms safety training courses; and
- Range and retail assistance programs that effectively enhance the understanding of legal California compliance requirements.