Supporting Youth Shooting Programs
Youth Shooting programs are one of the largest sports in the country with more kids participating each year. Competitive youth shooting helps with focus, concentration and most of the youth involved are top in their class scholastically. Many times, participation in competitive youth shooting programs leads to college scholarships and being able to compete on college teams. CRPAF supports youth shooting programs in a variety of ways. Through our CRPAF Grant Program youth teams can apply for funding to assist in the annual costs for their team to compete. CRPAF collects ammunition from gun owners that can be directly donated to youth shooting teams and events (based on availability). CRPAF supports team costs for competing in national competitions and the CRPAF Scholarship program supports youth who have a background in the shooting sports or hunting and conservation and who desire to continue their education past high school graduation. Many of our scholarship winners become Second Amendment Youth Ambassadors to help promote the shooting sports and conservation efforts of CRPAF to other youth coming behind them. This important youth voice helps to build the next generation and leave a legacy for others. Currently, CRPAF is fighting against AB 2571 which has detrimental effects on youth shooting sports and hunting.
How Shooting Sports Impact Youth in California: