Robert – North San Diego Chapter Co Chair

In a place called Agua Caliente, San Carlos east of Ensenada 7-year-old Robert Mendez rode in the back of a Corvair pickup truck on his way to a Dove hunt. This would be his first experience shooting. Two years later, Robert’s father gave him a Remington single shot .22 bolt action long rifle, with the instruction to always have the bolt open and never put anything in there until he is ready to shoot.
Robert was taught to always help your fellow man and having come from a farming background there were opportunities to help other farms and neighbors when needed. Robert currently volunteers for Reform California in San Diego County organized by Carl DeMaio, at his local church Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church Wisconsin Synod in Carlsbad in different capacities, such as singing, cooking, or ushering.
Today, Robert and his wife Dorothy are both CRPA Life Members. Together they have contributed to the establishment of the North San Diego County Gun Owners Chapter, where Robert is the Vice President. Robert and Dorothy continue their contribution by leading the CRPA membership booth at local events such as the Ramona Fair, local Rodeos, Vista Strawberry Festival, Motorcycle Rallies, and various other Assembly campaign support events. They continue in their dedication to expand the chapter and provide firearm training and education.
Q: How would someone describe you?
A: Passionate
Q: What is it that you wish more people in our community knew about 2A?
A: For the many who don’t even know what the Second Amendment is, I’d like to give them a copy and explain why we have that right and share with them how many have died for that right.
Q: In your opinion, what is the most important work that this organization does?
A: Keeping the government at bay from removing our guns from our possession.
Q: What attracted you to this organization in particular?
A: That all the emphasis is within our own state and not being disbursed elsewhere.
Q: Does anyone in your life play a role in supporting your involvement? In providing inspiration?
A: My beautiful wife Dorothy Ann, and she’s totally involved in every aspect.