
Jennifer – Tehama Chapter Secretary

Jennifer had not heard of the CRPA until 2018 at the Redding Sportsman Expo. Jennifer and her husband Jake were thrilled to discover they could support an organization who fought for the rights of Californians. It was at that moment they became CRPA members. Today, they are both founding members of the Tehama County Gun Owners: a CRPA Chapter.

Jennifer serves as the board secretary and has coordinated the chapter’s involvement in local activities and membership drives. Their chapter has adopted a local city park in Red Bluff and raised money to help fund the Red Bluff Police Department in purchasing a new K-9 dog after the retirement of K-9 Many. Jennifer is also an active participant of the CRPA Phone Warriors.

Each year you can find Jennifer volunteering at Wreaths Across America and for Preston Sharp’s Flags and Flowers. Her time for both organizations is spent at the Northern California Veterans Cemetery in Igo, CA. Jennifer finds it rewarding to volunteer at the Veterans Cemetery. She enjoys helping others and paying her respects to those who are no longer here.

Jennifer believes that nobody knows California better than Californians and enjoys sharing that CRPA is strictly involved with our rights here in California. The CRPA is grateful to have Jennifer on the volunteer force and we look forward to continuing the fight together.


Does anyone in your life play a role in supporting your involvement and in providing inspiration? 

My father passed away in December 2018 after a short battle with cancer. I know he’d be proud of what I’m doing. In a way, I do this for him because he taught me to shoot. We’d have family days at Nice Shot, our local indoor range and then go to lunch afterward to Giff’s Steakburger. He taught me to shoot when I was young, and I showed him how to use his AR-15 when he was 68 years old! It was one of the best days of my life.

 Do you have an anecdote about this cause/organization that really moved you? 

The “phone warriors”! I absolutely love getting texts from Tim McMahon saying we have something on the table, and we can call in to tell the people who are against us exactly how we feel about their senate bills etc and that we oppose what they’re doing. I love the fact that we can say it directly to them and they must listen to us. CRPA and its chapter members dominate those calls with the number of us who call in.

What is it that you wish more people in our community knew about 2A?

I wish people would do their own research and get actual facts on how many laws and restrictions we have. I see so many incorrect statements made by people and others just go along with it and think that they’re getting accurate information.

How do you believe others can get involved?

Come to a chapter meeting! See what we’re about. Stop by our table if you see us out in the community, we’d love to talk to you and hear your ideas and opinions.

What is the most challenging part about what you do?

As a 2A supporter, we do get a little bit of backlash from the public who don’t like what we’re doing. We get blamed for things that we didn’t do, just by being a gun owner. I believe that getting out into the community, they can speak to us and see that we’re normal, everyday people.