
AB 2268

March 12, 2014

AB 2268 – Game mammals: Wild Pig Depredation
Frank Bigelow (R-5)

CRPA’s Position: Watch

Summary: Note: This bill was originally a wild pig study bill and was substantially amended on 5/28/14. The bill may be amended further by the author. CRPA will continue to monitor the bill closely and evaluate any proposed amendments.

In its current form, the bill would revise and recast the provisions applicable to wild pigs by, among other things, reclassifying the wild pig as a nongame mammal for taking or possessing purposes. The bill would replace the wild pig tag requirement with a validation on the hunting license that would allow for the unlimited take and possession of wild pigs. The bill would set the price of a wild pig validation at $15 for residents and $30 for nonresidents. The bill would prohibit the taking of wild pigs at night, as specified, except by landowners or their employees or agents of depredating wild pigs if the department is notified by 3:00 p.m. prior to the planned take or, if the daylight hours before the planned take are not on a business day, by 3:00 p.m. of the last business day before the planned take and the person taking the wild pig possesses a valid hunting license.

To view full version of bill click here.

Introduced: 2/21/2014

Last Amend: 5/28/2014

Current Status: 6/27/2014-Failed deadline pursuant to Rule 61(b)(13). (Last location was A. Water, Parks & Wildlife on 5/29/2014)

Location: 6/27/2014-A. Dead.

AB 2268 – Game mammals: Wild Pig Depredation
Frank Bigelow (R-5)

CRPA’s Position: Watch

Summary: Note: This bill was originally a wild pig study bill and was substantially amended on 5/28/14. The bill may be amended further by the author. CRPA will continue to monitor the bill closely and evaluate any proposed amendments.

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