
Individual Trainers Information

If you are already a firearm trainer in a specific discipline and want to join the CRPA Certified Trainer ranks, we would be happy to help with your success!

Our CRPA Certified Trainer Curriculum can be purchased by those who will be running their own separate training across the state. We have just a few requirements to become a trainer who uses CRPA curriculum.

  1. You must be a CRPA Member. Click here to join or renew your membership.
  2. You must provide proper information regarding the courses successfully completed, the year, and the last time that you trained in that discipline.
  3. You must pay the $35.00 CRPA Certification fee and maintain all requirements for being a CRPA Certified Instructor while training with CRPA materials.


What are the Requirements for being a CRPA Certified Instructor?

Because CRPA seeks to offer the highest quality training in California, we have some requirements for anyone who trains with our CRPA materials or as a CRPA Certified Instructor.

  1. Successfully complete the training for the topic they wish to train on and meet with CRPA Training staff per online meeting or in office.
  2. Must have one team-teaching session with another CRPA Certified Instructor in your area.
  3. Must have individual insurance which will name California Rifle & Pistol Association, Incorporated as an additional insured on the policy.
  4. Must be upstanding member of the community and able to own or possess a firearm for lawful purposes.
  5. Must use the approved hold harmless and waiver agreements for class or range participant instruction.
  6. Must hold a current CRPA Certification (accreditation)- Includes: being a current CRPA member, 16 hours per year of continuing education (additional training, teaching courses, working a range, or assisting another instructor), expected to attend CRPA Certified Instructor events at least once every two years.
  7. Must keep up with changes to CA law as it is constantly changing (CRPA to provide legal updates via online interactive webinars just for CRPA Certified Instructors)
  8. Follow the outline of courses and pre-requisites to ensure that courses are completed in the proper order. Outline Can be Downloaded Here.


Benefits of being a CRPA Certified Firearm Trainer

  1. Top training curriculum in the state of California, specific to California law
  2. Regular updates from the CRPA legal team on changes to the law that you should know.
  3. Certificate stating that you are an accredited CRPA Instructor in various disciplines
  4. Patch for training discipline upon certification
  5. Ability to order CRPA Training Certification exclusive gear- For trainers only.

Already a CRPA Certified Trainer? Get Your Supplies Here and Start Training!