
Ventura County Gun Owners: A CRPA Chapter – Skills Builder and Social Mixer Range Day

August 21, 2022 10:00 am
August 21, 2022 5:00 pm
California Tactical Academy
Lake Piru, CA

All adults over 21 are invited and welcome, with special emphasis on new gun owners and those whose skills could maybe use some building!

Brand new gun owners – or those who haven’t had a chance to go to a range in a while – are especially encouraged to attend. Know any? Please invite them!

  • Our day will start at 10am with a Gun Safety Class
    • (the number one initiative for the VCGO?  Gun Safety!)
  • We’ll finish class by around noon, and break for lunch which will be provided.
    • Lunch will go for an hour or two and give us all a chance to meet and do some Social Mixing – get to know our fellow members and gun owners.
  • After lunch we’ll go to the firing line and start practicing our live fire skills, under the watchful eyes of several NRA Certified Handgun Instructors, as well as NRA Certified Range Safety Officers.
    • This will be a VERY SAFE PLACE to learn and practice handgun skills.
  • We’ll finish the live fire around 4pm and wash up (important!) and hang out to do more socializing for a little while longer.  CTA closes at 5pm.


Space is somewhat limited, so we’ll be asking for RSVPs in a follow up email to this one.

We’re working on cost per person, and will provide that on our follow up email.

Attendees should bring:

Their Firearm (or Range will rent)

Ammo (or we’ll sell to them)