TacMed Class & IFAK with Artemis Defense Institute

To register or inquire about the CRPA Member or ADI Member Discount, email Angela Mercuri at artemisangelica@gmail.com or call at 949-305-6586.
Active Members must email or call to get the discount; they will not receive it by enrolling themselves.
The Tactical Medicine class will cover basic Emergency Casualty Care in the event of a major injury requiring medical attention prior to paramedics arriving. Topics that will be covered in this class are:
- Hemorrhage Control
- Proper application of tourniquets, with and without a partner
- Pressure Dressings
- Hemostatic Agents
- Care for a sucking chest wound
- Drag and carry techniques to evacuate the wounded
- Recommendations for your own personal Individual First Aid Kit (IFAK)
Curriculum approved by a Licensed Medical Doctor and run by ADI’s own Johnny V, whose training background includes the USMC, EMT, Law Enforcement and SWAT Medic.
IFAK’s (Individual First Aid Kits) are optional for each participant.
- TacMed Class only: $125
- TacMed Class & IFAK: $205
Each IFAK will include…
- 1x IFAK Pouch – Black
- 1x CAT-T Tourniquet – Black
- 1x 4 in. Flat ETD (Emergency Trauma Dressing)
- 1x S-Rolled Gauze (4.5 in. x 4.1 yd)
- 2x HyFin Vent Compact Chest Seal
- 1x Pair Nitrile Trauma Gloves, lg.
The Tactical Medicine class will cover basic Emergency Casualty Care in the event of a major injury requiring medical attention prior to paramedics arriving.